There is a lot of shit we go through every day. Our reptilian minds tell us to focus more on these things in order to be aware of potential dangers in life.

Of course this does not make any sense anymore in today’s time, but we are often acting in a way following this pattern.

If you consciously change your perspective, there is so much beauty in life, often in tiny parts of what we perceive. We can take these things out of the big picture that we see and just enjoy them.

I realized this when I was picking up my kids at a bus stop. The overall scenery was not beautiful, rather the opposite. But then I spotted one tiny fraction within this reality that contained true beauty. I captured it and the idea to repeat this exercise was born.

So I started his challenge to find beauty in my every day life for 100 consecutive days. There have been days when I have felt pressured and I have decided to skip some days. Beauty is missing when there is pressure. These days are marked with an asterisk. I filled these gaps with photography from past beauty experiences in my life.